Gradient Light
by Eddie Ephraums, explains how to use variable contrast
printing papers to maximum effect. Published by Working Books Ltd. [ISBN=0-9524346-0-1].
The Master Photographer's Lith Printing Course
by Tim Rudman.
The only book to cover the subject of lith printing in depth. Packed with tips, techniques
and formulae. Much praised and highly recommended.
Published by Argentum (Aurum Press Ltd). [ISBN=1-902538-02-1].
Silver Gelatin
by Martin Reed and Sarah Jones. A practical guide to the use of liquid photographic
emulsions. Published by Working Books Ltd.
Larry Bartlett's Black & White Photographic Printing Workshop
The late, great master
printer reveals his secrets of successful monochrome printing. Text by John Tarrant.
Published by Fountain Press.
Platinum & Palladium Printing
by Dick Arentz. A complete guide to platinum and palladium printing. It explains the method
of print-making with an emphasis on technical control and addresses setting up the
laboratory, negative making, paper chemicals and sensitometry as it applies to the process. Published by Focal Press.
Historic Photographic Processes
This volume covers many of the historic photographic processes of the 19th century,
describing how to make the images, with detailed supply lists. Chapters on safety,
chemicals and resources, as well as a list of useful Internet sites, are included.
Published by Watson-Guptil Publications.