Erwin Blumenfeld
Erwin Blumenfeld's website:
Erwin Blumenfeld, a renowned fashion photographer whose career spanned from the 1930s to
the 1960s, gave most importance to his nude images.
Search for Books by Erwin Blumenfeld
The Naked Veil
As a man he was obsessed with the female form. As an artist he worked endlessly to perfect a technique that would express that
fascination - through solarization and negative printing, double and multiple exposures and
other innovative devices. The 120 duotone and colour photographs shown here represent the
peak of Blumenfeld's achievement. Published by Thames & Hudson. [ISBN=0500542309].
A Fetish for Beauty
Erwin Blumenfeld was the world's most highly paid photographer in the mid-1950s.
He developed his own idiosyncratic language using solarization and negative printing.
This study discusses his life and work, and presents a retrospective selection of the
diverse achievements of this photographer. Published by Thames & Hudson. [ISBN=0500542023].
Shooting Sex
Provocative imagery from the master of photography. Published by Bob Carlos Clarke (31 Dec. 2002) [ISBN=3283004463].
Thierry Le Goues is a French photographer and has photographed some of the most beautiful black women in the world, including Iman. In this book the emphasis is on black shiny greasepaint!
Published by PowerHouse Books [ISBN=1576870189].
Robert Farber
Robert Farber's Website:
American born Robert Farber is a well known commercial photographer who specialises in
images of classical beauty, many of which are soft and painterly in style. At least 6 books published.
Search for Books by Robert Farber (UK)
Search for Books by Robert Farber (US)
Classic Farber Nudes
A 20 year retrospective. Published by AMPHOTO [ISBN=0-8174-3670-7].
Out of print but available via, not available via
Natural Beauty: Farber Nudes
A collection of sensitive, sensual and often abstract nudes by award-winning photographer, Robert Farber. Published by AMPHOTO [ISBN=0-8174-3670-7].
Images of Women
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Published by AMPHOTO [ISBN=0-8174-2483-0].
Out of print but available via, not available via
Farber Nudes
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Published by AMPHOTO [ISBN=0-5174-3973-5].
Out of print but available via, not available via